Friday, February 12, 2010

Anyone know how to get the skunk odor off of a dog?

My dog was just sprayed by a skunk and I have found so many different suggestions online for how to get the smell off. Anyone have a recommendation that they have actually used and seen work? Thanks!Anyone know how to get the skunk odor off of a dog?
Tomato Juice does NOT work. I can tell you this from LOTS of experience. I have a Husky that like to hunt skunks. We tried Tomato Juice and it masks the scent for a few hours, but it does not get rid of that TERRIBLE stench. To neutralize the scent, you have to use 1 Quart of Hydrogen Peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking Soda, and 1 tsp of liquid dish soap. Spray the stuff all over your dog (for mine, several batches were required) and make sure it soaks all the way through the fur and do not get it too close to their eyes (get some skunk out for that). Let it sit on them for about five minutes. Then just rinse off or bathe (the dog) as you usually do. It also works on getting the skunk smell off of you, which if you are handling a skunked dog you will smell terrible after the ordeal. Some people say Vinegar works, it does not work (this I also know from experience). Good Luck.Anyone know how to get the skunk odor off of a dog?
i used a mixture of peroxide baking soda and pantene 2 in 1 shampoo. it worked great, although it smelled like hair dye. i didnt measure anything precisely, but it was about a half cup of baking soda, a quarter cup of peroxide and a few tablespoons of pantene.

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The best and fastest thing I have found that works on my dogs is tomato soup.
use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide , baking soda, and dawn dishsoap, sorry but i dint ember the correct amounts, its what the groomer at work uses it works, just remember to toss any leftovers, and if your dog is black its coat may be a little reddish when your done also you have to leave it on for 15 mins. or about that maybe you can find a recipe online its called skunk suds
I am sure you have already done a search. Use the recipe calling for hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish washing liquid.

It really works.
Listen I had a dog years ago and it got sprayed by a skunk and I'll tell you that the best is a bath in tomatoe juice. Yes, Tomatoe juice. Please believe me. IT works. Nothing else will. When I had to was the dog, my grandfather told me what to do. He gave me the money to go up the street and buy the cans of tomatoe juice. It worked. I washed the dog, he didn't like it but he got it. I hope this helps. Regards, Ammoconfidential
at the groom shop i work at we use dog shampoo mixed with baking soda and peroxide, it seems to work pretty well. i've also heard that using instant coffee made dubble strong works, but i haven't tried that
My dog was sprayed last year... i gave her a bath in tomato juice... just the type you can get at any grocery store. I just poured it all over her... and massaged it into her fur... and let it soak for about 20 minutes.. and rinsed. I had to do twice do get the smell completely gone, but it worked for me.
Bathe the dog in tomoatoe juice. they also have specila shampoos at pets stores but they are a little expensive. Try the tomatoe juice first.
my car got sprayed and the only thing that worked was to douse the whole thing in tomato juice. yucky and sticky but true.
Do what you would with a human, bathe him in tomato juice.Good luck on getting the smell out!
use tomato jucie it work used it last week on my dog
tomato sauce/canned tomatoes/tomato soup

It works better then anything they have in stores.

If you dont like tomatoes, this answer makes no sense
tomato juice
Tomatoe Juice!!! It works
tomato Juice but the dog dont smell to great after words ether but he wont smell like skunk
wash him in tomato juice.. from what I understand, that is the only thing that works.
tomato sauce bath
The only way to get rid of the horrible odor, is to give your dog a bath in Tomato Juice. This is the only thing that will completely destroy the awful smell. It absolutely works, give it a try immediately.
When I worked as a dog groomer we used to mix the shampoo with Coca Cola. The acidity cuts the odor. Also used vinegar to rinse them with. Never had much luck with tomato juice.
I've never tried tomato juice, but I hear it works.

Oh, and Dawn dishwashing liquid is supposed to be very good for getting the skunk oil out.

The first time my dog got sprayed, I used every flowery shampoo I had and that made it worse. The second time, I made her sleep outside and then took her to a pet salon and had her bathed with a special de-skunking shampoo....the third time, was the day after she was bathed at the salon...I took her back and they bathed her again, but the odor remained.

The fourth time she got sprayed, I got a Lysol wipe and wiped it over her face and avoided smelling her until it wore off.
TOMATO JUICE. pour it all over him. then wash it out.
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