Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What can cause a ';skunk-like'; smell without a skunk?

Any idea what could cause a skunk-like smell in the house without a skunk being involved? It comes and goes infrequently and usually lasts for 1-3 hrs before going away.What can cause a ';skunk-like'; smell without a skunk?
we had a similar problem a couple of years ago and we finally tracked it down to a vitamin pill left out on the dresser. all medicines should be kept in sealed containers, otherwise they start to smell and also lose their potency..What can cause a ';skunk-like'; smell without a skunk?
Plumbing leakage or a dead animal trapped somewhere. But if it comes and goes, I would assume it wouldn't be a dead animal. If there is a plumbing leak, it might be noticeable anytime anyone uses a large amount of plumbing like takes a shower, flushes a toilet, runs the dishwasher, etc.

Or do you have any neighbors that smoke pot nearby? That can have a skunk I'm told.

Another possibility is that a skunk was ran over or something a block away and every time the wind blows towards your direction, you get a whiff. Or what that other guy said, and some other critter got sprayed and is going in and out of a crawl space.
You may have a skunk trying to take up residence in your crawl space. They smell even without spraying in an area. Or some other animal could have been sprayed and it is visiting you. The smell can last for years on a surface. It is more noticeable as the temperature goes up.
A Plant called ';Skunk Cabbage'; could be the problem or someone could have a mature pot plant growing close to your home.
you could have a gas leak may be you should call 911 or the gas company

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