Every night about 1 am the unmistakable smell of skunk fills our home whyI thought skunk only spary when scared why is one spraying every night at my home?
We had the same problem. I don't know why it sprays unless it is either marking territory or something else is scaring it, such as cars or city noise.
my dad found where it was under our house and sprayed a large amount of ammonia inside the hole it had made to get under our porch. with in minutes it fled the scene. He shot it, but also got in trouble shortly thereafter for firing a rifle in city limits so I don't recommend that part. after the skunk flees from the ammonia just patch the hole with bricks and dirt and scatter some more ammonia along the foundation of your house. I thought skunk only spary when scared why is one spraying every night at my home?
Skunks also mark their territory by spraying. Skunks also smell horrible on their own without spraying. Don't leave food outside for the skunk to eat, including pet food. If you live in a house with a crawl space, the skunk may be living under there. They can be removed by using a humane trap and taken away from your house to be released at another location. Animal control will answer your questions if you call them.
if you have a compost pile never put fresh vegetables in it they attract skunks.
buy some moth flakes and sprinkle them around the outside edge of your property.skunks shy away from moth flakes.
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Wild animal Poop?
Ok so I have 2 labs and neither of them has ever eaten poop or rolled in it before. I am pretty sure that we have a family of some kind of rodents living under our deck. The dogs sniff away at the deck in certain areas everytime they go outside. The problem is our deck is completely blocked off every where except near our AC unit which is in the corner and it is a very small gap. Today, I noticed my male rolling around in something very black and I smelled it. It was definetly poo but not typical doggy doo smell. The turds were real small (quarter size) and there were a lot of seeds in it. I live in Illinois so it could be Skunks (no smell yet), raccoons, possoms, or rabbits. Anyone have a clue on what it could be? Or have any ideas to get these guys out without tearing boards out of my deck?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
moth flakes(mothballs) or bleach put under the deck.animals don't like the smell of them.ammonia will work too.
3 weeks ago
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Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: Thank you! I threw some under the deck last night and about an hour later I smelled skunk.
he contacted me and the skunk is gone.
Skunks also spray to mark territory or fend off predators because it is the only defense mechanism they have. We trap just about one a year they go after our chickens and like to spray everywhere so no other animal will muck around with there turf.
maybe its marking its territory?? that's wat most animals do
Its afraid of the dark. HAHAH
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