Friday, February 12, 2010

How do you get a skunk out of a cage without killing it?

My father lives in a rural area and caught a skunk in a metal trap that resembles a cage. He called me to ask if I had any suggestions on how he could move the cage without getting sprayed. I told him just to shoot the skunk but he would prefer not to do that if at all possible. Anybody have any suggestions... preferably ones backed with experience?How do you get a skunk out of a cage without killing it?
The common Have-a-heart traps have two doors, if he's using one of those. It's probably hard for Mrs. Skunk to turn around once inside. He should choose to open the door at the skunk's front end, of course.

He might buy a cheap plastic tarp and work behind the plastic, placing it over the trap and just exposing enough of the front of the trap to open it or poking a stick or two through a small hole in the tarp to open the door if the tarp is clear and he can see through it. It also might be easier to open the door and have it stay open if he first turns the trap gently on its side, so gravity won't close the door. Some of this might be do-able with a couple of longish sticks.

Don't blame me if none of this works!How do you get a skunk out of a cage without killing it?
if the cage is small enough that it CANT lift its tail that's good because it can only spray if it can raise its tail.As an exterminator I have caught 100's of coons and skunks over the last 25 years and NEVER been sprayed once or had an animal turn on me.Straighten out a 24 inch piece of coat hanger,make a small hook on each end approx 1/4 inch,bend the coat hanger into an arch,hook one end to the back off the cage and then the other hook onto the cage door this should lift the cage door for the skunk to escape just make sure to stand back for safety sake they always (usually) bolts straight out of the cage and to the bush.
I suggest you suit-up with something water repellent like a raincoat, gloves etc that can be thrown away. Skunks are sensitive creatures so move very slowly towards the cage so as not to startle the little critter. When you are close enough to open the latch with a stick, do so and let it run as you run in the opposite direction. If you should be sprayed, just think of it as the skunk thanking you by marking you as its territory.
If you shoot the skunk it WILL spray. The only way I know of to get a skunk out of a trap with out killing it is to man up and go open it. Thats about a 50% chance of being sprayed. The only way to get a skunk out with out spraying is pretty damn inhumane, but here it is. Take a stick lift the trap and drop it into water all at once so that it is totally submerged.

If he does the right thing I here tomato soup baths help the smell.
One good thing about Hav-A-Hart traps is that, unless it is an oversized trap, the skunk cannot raise its tail to spray. Just open the end that the skunk is facing. The skunk will be more interested in getting away than in stopping to spray you. One benefit -- the skunk will have taken care of any human odor that was on the trap.

Of course, if it was a Tomahawk trap, you're on your own.
If you shoot it it will spray. If you are able to get it out alive it will still spray and you will catch it again and have the same problem. I have caught many skunks in Haifa hearts. This is what has worked for me almost all the time ( it sounds cruel so all you peta people stop reading now). I throw a blanket over the cage, Then fill a 55 gal drum with water. In she goes the whole cage wait 15 minutes and your problem solved. Not many can hold their breath this long.
Can you throw a blanket over the cage so the skunk cannot see you approaching then carefully open the cage door coming from the back of the cage where the skunk cannot see you. Why would you want to shoot the poor thing..pretty cruel if you ask me.
try putting a blanket over it so the animal can't see you. It's fear is that it's feeling and the only way it knows how to make you leave it alone is to spray you. So put a blanket over the cage it works for tray cats why not a skunk.
if you put some peanut butter on a cracker and you set it by the cage the skunk will come out after you open the cage.
Open the cage and run away.
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