I heard tomato juice worksHow do you get rid of the stink of a skunk spraying your dog?
Bathe your dog in plenty of tomato juice.
I have heard that bathing them in tomato juice works. Call your vet for suggestions. So sorry.
Tomato Juice. Lots of Tomato Juice.
Best way to get rid of skunk is to go to the store and purchase large quantities of tomato juice. The dog needs to be completely doused in it and needs to soak in the juice for a while. Fill up as much as you can in a large container or bathtub and then bath as you normally would. Allow to sit on the skin for up to 15 minutes. You many need to repeat this depending on how much spray the dog got.
I was going to say tomatoe juice, lots of it...but it looks like you already have your answer. Good luck!
nature's miracle.
bakeing soda and water
1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid soap.
trust me it really works, my dog got sprayed last week and we used it.
Good luck!
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